Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Shrink Wrapping your windows.
I have decided to post this small blog to help those that have older windows, or not properly insulated windows and like to plastic wrap them for the winter.
I just left a home that had “tried” to shrink wrap their windows(like the image) but like about 60% of the people that try to do this, they had done it incorrectly. So now they have an eye sore of a window that is still losing heat and creating drafts. Here’s how to do it right.
– Go get yourself some plastic film from the hardware store, as well as double sided tape.
– put the double sided tape on the WALL all around the window. This is the most common mistake people do, they only tape the windows on the actual window frame, however a LOT of the heat loss and cold air is actually coming from the mouldings and window sill. So you have to wrap over that.
– once the double sided tape is all up, put on the plastic, top first, and then one side, then try to pull it as tight as you can so it still looks transparent.
– to tighten it even more once its all stuck on there, get out a hair dryer and go over the plastic with it, the plastic will shrink further with the heat of the hair dryer, and will get nice and tight. This way it doesnt look quite as ghetto and you can actually see out of your window.
– as a final touch, with a knife or scizzors, cut of all loose ends of the plastic, so that it looks clean and professional.
Shrink wrapping your windows is a great inexpensive way to keep money in your pocket from heat loss of your home. If you have a few windows in your home that you can feel a slight breeze somehow coming through even when the windows are closed, give it a try. It’s not hard and its something that even the kids can help with and have fun.
Well I hope this little tip helps you. It’s no fun doing things twice so hopefully you can get this done the right way first.
Feel free to contact me if ever you have any questions or need any advice regarding real estate in Ottawa and its surrounding communities.
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